Tuesday, February 14, 2012

To Anonymous, With Love

Valentine's day and a rush of mush. Hearts everywhere, couples being lovey-dovey, singles being hopeful and 'its complicated' ones confused whether to celebrate or to mourn. Its amusing to watch all this from a distance when you have no sentiments attached to the day of 'celebrating love'. But the question that arises is, are we celebrating love or the constant circus of relationships? Sticking to pessimism, I am a little apprehensive about the existence of love. Of course, this topic is debatable. Some say I have never met the right person while others think I am just being myself. Whatever be the cause, I think love is an abused word. What I think we have are comparative degrees of liking- how much we like someone, more than others. It is nothing but when you find someone you like better than the other options you may possibly have. Its the same with food. You like the aloo chilli your mess provides you the best out of the vegetarian menu but when you have the choice of veg and non-veg, you'd rather have chiken biryani. If you really 'loved' aloo chilli, you wouldn't have cared about the biryani but then, we are all humans and love is just a word. So, when we like someone, we like them better than others till someone even better comes along and dreams of 'forever and after' are crushed and buried. Is that the reason there is a constant change in the relationship status of our generation? Have we become obsessed with the appearance of our relationships to the outer world? Has the idea of settling with one person for the rest of your life become redundant? I noticed something really disturbing this Valentine's Day(this could probably be due to my screwed up notions about possibly everything in this world). People sent roses to each other anonymously, through messengers. What happened to the old school way of being a man(haha) and doing the job yourself? I agree its sweet but for once, I would like to see two people who like each other say so without being confused. Which leads me to my next question- are we ashamed of being in 'love'? Have we lost love to relationships? Are we living in a promiscuous world? What we need is a more open, more honest way of communication. For what I believe, if there was true love, it wouldn't have liked to be dismissed under the name of 'anonymous'. All I have to say is, either we are going back to the stone age where nobody belonged to anybody or moving into a future where there is no forever and after, just an ongoing process of change in relationships.